Thoughts from the President

March 7, 2025 - Standing Up For Science

Dear Danforth Center Community,

A committed group of Danforth Center community members are attending the Stand Up for Science rally in Jefferson City this afternoon. Stand Up for Science events will be happening today in capital cities around the U.S. to show grassroots support for scientific research, science education, and preservation of science funding. The events show that we care, and that we are many! The importance of scientists and science supporters being seen and heard by elected officials and the public has never been higher. This platform and mass show of support focuses attention on the vital importance and impact of science, and I thank each participant for your presence and voice today.

I appreciate the diverse ways in which individuals connected to the Center are standing up for science in public through their work, volunteer activities, and passions. Consider Marilyn Bush (Bank of America) and Benjamin Akande (Stifel Financial), key executives at financial institutions here in St. Louis and the newest Directors elected to the Danforth Center Board. By serving on our Board, they are standing up for science by helping us deliver on our mission. They have stood with us through the years by helping to raise funds from companies and donors, and volunteering at our public events like Big Ideas and Seeds of Change. Marilyn has even nominated scientists for awards in the business community, enabling the importance of work like ours to be highlighted and appreciated by new audiences. Thank you, Marilyn and Benjamin, for many more years of standing up for science with the Danforth Center!

How about Kristina DeYoung, communications specialist in the Public Relations team? Kristina is a member of The Opera Bell Band, a theatrically inclined group that has at least 30 minutes of music and performance content about corn! Who knew? In her talented way, Kristina is using the stage and microphone to bring a little more awareness about plants to audiences that are not expecting it. Thank you, Kristina, for standing up and performing in a way that honors science. By the way, if you’re attending the 67th Annual Maize Genetics Meeting being held this week at Union Station in St. Louis, The Opera Bell Band is performing their salute to corn this evening.

We all have platforms and megaphones, big or small, to stand up for science. Whatever yours are, we need to use them more than ever!

Jim Carrington,
President and Chief Executive Officer

Previous Weekly Messages from Jim Carrington