Thank You For Supporting the Danforth Center in 2020
A letter from Jim Carrington, PhD, President and CEO of the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center.
Every so often, we are reminded of the true importance of friends. This past year has been one of those times at the Danforth Plant Science Center. Our friends and supporters stood with us through an unprecedented, difficult year that placed so many demands on each of us. I want to convey my sincere appreciation to you for recognizing the value of supporting the Danforth Center and trusting us to continue delivering on our mission despite the challenging circumstances.
Your generous support, paired with a most amazing community of scientists and staff, meant that progress would continue across the Danforth Center. We published more scientific discoveries about how plants work and how agriculture can be improved in 2020 than during any other year in our history. We advanced improved staple crops for smallholder farmers toward the marketplace in several developing countries in Africa and Asia. We built new greenhouse facilities on our campus and established a new field research site nearby. We added to the innovation community with construction and opening of the EDGE@BRDG building on our campus, which is headquarters for the fast-growing Danforth Center spinout, Benson Hill. And we strengthened partnerships that are leading to a stronger, more diverse workforce in the region. Thank you for enabling the Danforth Center to stay focused, stay productive, and stay impactful during 2020.
Friends are there when you need them, and you were there for us in 2020. As a result, the Danforth Center moves into 2021 with talented people, facilities we need, and optimism that our work will continue to have positive impact in the world. Thank you!
Jim Carrington
President and CEO